tx5-signal-srv 0.0.6-alpha

holochain webrtc signal server
  • :warning: This code is new and should not yet be considered secure for production use!

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License: MIT License: Apache-2.0


  • tx5 - crates.io - The main holochain tx5 webrtc networking crate integrating the other code in this monorepo.

Tx5 Support Crates


Holochain webrtc signal server.

The tx5-signal-srv executable

tx5-signal-srv --help

Holochain Webrtc Signal Server

Usage: tx5-signal-srv [OPTIONS]

  -i, --init
          Initialize a new tx5-signal-srv.json configuration file (as specified
          by --config). Will abort if it already exists
          Run the signal server, generating a config file if one does not
          already exist. Exclusive with "init" option
  -c, --config <CONFIG>
          Configuration file to use for running the tx5-signal-srv. Defaults to
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version